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Back to the Laundry Room

We had a very nice Thanksgiving and now back to all my chores. Always too much to do and that Time Fairy just will not add hours to the day.

Anyway, this is no surprise. I was going to just do laundry once a week and see if we could get by. Yeah, right. Back to twice a week.

Not a big thing to complain about and I am pleased that I am getting all of our documents straightened out.

Going to try real hard to select a new camera today so I can put up some longer youtubes. I have been putting up old ones here because Wix won't accept my shorts for some reason.

I don't think a camera should have to "retire" but that is the way it is these days. Canon can't help me with mine.

Cheers on a Busy Friday!

  1. Shark Beauty Original 20" x 16" oil painting $705

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