Years ago mineral spirits became a weird white rather thick liquid instead of the clear liquid it was before.
I need mineral spirits to thin down the oil paint I build up in a series of layers.
Lately when I used it the paint would not thin down and it was like using putty on the canvas. I use a lot of prepared canvasses and thought that the manufacturers were applying too much sealant on the surface.
Well, today when I tried to paint on my gessoed hardboard the same thing happened so I said a loud "Duh" and realized the mineral spirits must have spoiled. I didn't know that could happen.
I got some more today and was very happy that it is a clear liquid again and works just fine. Great! No more soupy mineral spirits!

Marsh View at Pawleys Island Original 60" x 41" oil painting $6220

Radford Library Butterfly Garden Original 15' x 25" Acrylic painting $952
Wall Art Prints and prints on other items available with the link